Backend Developer * frontend Developer * Hybrid Mobile App Developer
Excellent of working with Visual studio in both C# and Visual Basic.
A professional of creating single page application using MVC 5 and AngularJs.
A professional of design and Implement Asp.Net Web API in both HTTP and oData controller.
A professional of design and Implement SQL Database using EF 6 code first.
A professional working with Microsoft ADO framework to implement SQL data access layer.
A professional of creating Asp.Net website using HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript.
A professional of design and Implement Asp.Net WCF and XML Web services.
A good working with Azure to create powerful cloud apps for web and mobile clients.
Excellent of working with both Angular 1 and Angular 2 with typescript ES 6.
A professional of creating hybrid mobile apps in both Ionic 1 && Ionic 2.
A professional of working with Cordova to create mobile apps target multiple platforms with one code base.
Recently I started using the powerful of Sass in my mobile apps creating by Ionic 2.
Recently I started using the powerful of ES 6 in my mobile apps creating by Ionic 2.
A professional of working with HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript for both web and mobile development.
A professional of using Bootstrap for layout and theming my web applications.
A professional of working with Google Mpas Api, Geocoding Api, and other Google Maps Api.
A good working with Photoshop especially for UI/UX design.
A basic of using to edit the video or create titles used in my apps.
A professional of monetizing apps with both Banner Ads and Interstitial Ads using many Ad networks.
Pixel Perfect Icon Solutions used to convert to SVG, PDF, and Icons.
Monumental Ireland App A Modern Guide to Ireland’s Ancient Monuments and Mythological Landscapes.
Monumental Ireland Asp.Net Web API App is a backend for the above app with Sql database EF6 code first and Asp.Net SPA portal applicatin for manipulating our database.
Muslim Prayer Times is the most accurate prayer times and Qibla locator working offline.
Dublin Institute of Technology
Institute of Commercial Management ICM
Mustansiriya University